Saturday, March 5, 2011

Persnickety Processors. Exceptional Processed Cheese.

It always seemed eye-rolly that the grocery brand Sargento cheese, found next to Kraft cheese, would have such a macho name (SARGE, al Italiano) but such a finical, mama's boy promo line:  "Persnickety people. Exceptional cheese."  One could ask, is that motto uncatchy? And the answer might be, does Principal Skinner live with his mother?

It's sort of ironic that Sargento's 2009 commercial pokes fingers at processed cheese, the very same year the billion dollar company earned Processor of the Year.  Perhaps the coveted award oozed its way into the persnicketed consciousness as they have since toned down the milquetoast tagline for less cheesy, more practical pasteurs.  Sargento